Busstop(t): Students Address the Issue of Transport Poverty in Small Municipalities

Transport poverty is a major, and unfortunately still growing, issue in the municipality of Ooststellingwerf. Therefore, the municipality is actively seeking possible solutions and has reached out to Hanze. A group of second-year students from the Communication and Multimedia Design program has taken on this case and has been actively developing a solution over the past few months: an interactive map of Ooststellingwerf that shows the impact of user actions on their choices. A group of second-year students from the Communication and Multimedia Design program has taken on this case and has been actively developing a solution over the past few months: an interactive map of Ooststellingwerf that shows the impact of user actions on their choices.

Livable Environment

The municipality is committed to creating a livable environment but also acknowledges the various problems in the realm of public transport. The ultimate responsibility for public transport lies with the provinces, making it important for smaller municipalities to clearly present their interests and perspectives to the provinces. The installation designed by the students translates numbers and statistics into emotions and personal connections. This allows the municipality to raise awareness among provincial officials in a visual and narrative manner. The installation designed by the students translates numbers and statistics into emotions and personal connections. This allows the municipality to raise awareness among provincial officials in a visual and narrative manner.

Making an Impact

The students write: “The installation works as follows: the user manipulates the piece, which is shaped like a bus, on the interactive map, and the installation immediately reacts to these actions. This can range from withdrawing a bus line to indicating discolorations on the map to illustrate aging. Additionally, an audio message can be played where a resident describes the impact of the choices on their daily life. This installation enables the municipality to make an impact with the province and to show and discuss the problems and consequences of potential public transport choices in an original, compelling way. No numbers and long reports, but personal impact and visualization.”


This student assignment is part of the Mobisitie project by Hanze and partners. Within Mobisitie, a co-creative approach is taken to develop a digital tool that helps civil servants with issues related to support and participation in a sustainable mobility transition. For rural municipalities, the transition to a sustainable mobility system is particularly challenging because these regions must also remain livable and accessible. Formulating good policy is therefore complex.

The student team consists of:

Jildau Groot
Faie Harms
Mattis Janssen
Sem Meijerink
Carmen Rimmelzwaan
Liza Veuger