City of Groningen wins POLIS Award 2023

The municipality of Groningen has won the POLIS Award 2023 during the annual European POLIS conference. Groningen receives the prize because of its progressive and innovative approach to sustainable mobility and its long-term commitment to a cleaner, fairer and smarter city.

Sustainable urban mobility

According to the jury of the award, Groningen is a forerunner in the transition to more sustainable mobility. Councilor Philip Broeksma (sustainable mobility) accepted the award: ‘Groningen inspires other cities and regions in Europe and that is seen. With this award we receive recognition and appreciation for sharing our knowledge and experience in the field of sustainable urban mobility, and I am very proud of that.’

Innovative mobility solutions

POLIS is a European network in which regions and cities work together on innovative mobility solutions. According to the jury, Groningen is a good example of how cooperation can lead to progress and help to overcome obstacles and problems. ‘The increasing pressure on the city is not only seen as a problem but also as an opportunity to promote public transport, shared mobility and cleaner transport.’ Innovative technologies and services are being tested throughout the city.

Encourage and support

During the conference, cities and regions will have the opportunity to present their transport achievements to an audience of experts and other stakeholders. The POLIS Award 2023 not only symbolizes the achievements of Groningen itself, but according to the jury, Groningen continuously encourages and supports the people with whom it collaborates: ‘From its cooperation with other Dutch cities, to its collaboration with local universities and businesses, as well as of course its work on an international stage through its active role in the POLIS network: Groningen continually encourages and supports those it works with. Groningen’s policymakers and practitioners approach sustainable mobility with energy, vigor and determination.’

The POLIS conference took place on November 29 and 30 in Leuven, Belgium.