Hive.Mobility recently joined SMASH!, the Dutch Forum for Smart Shipping, as a partner. SMASH! brings the maritime parties in the Netherlands together to implement smart shipping and thus strengthen the competitive position of the sector. Smart shipping is highly automated sailing at sea and on inland waterways. Smart shipping goes further than the smart ship: adjustments are also needed to the sailing environment in order for the smart ship to do its job.
In the Netherlands, a large number of organizations and companies are engaged in smart shipping and developments in the field of autonomous ships. That is now very fragmented. By working together on a national scale, regional initiatives can be connected and generate a greater reach. It is also easier to establish international connections. SMASH! brings together market parties, governments and knowledge institutions on a large scale to do this.
Smart shipping ties in seamlessly with the theme “Autonomous Transport” that is on the innovation agenda of Hive.Mobility, but also with making shipping more sustainable towards zero emissions. For example, Hive.Mobility’s founding partner Province of Groningen is already working with project partners Marinminds and Groningen Seaports on smart shipping topics. As a partner of SMASH! Hive.Mobility can, among other things, be the first to participate in the discussions about project ideas and also propose them, think along with them and advise on appropriate policy with regard to standards and regulations and influence the implementation of the roadmap for smart shipping, in which development priorities are indicated.