The focus of the project is to accelerate (fast-track) and streamline the knowledge sharing and replication of innovative, proven urban and rural mobility solutions. Regions’ own ambitions can be accelerated with the help of knowledge and experience from other innovative regions. The participating regions acquire and bring knowledge and skills, in order to ultimately achieve a wider European roll-out of innovative mobility solutions more quickly.
European Innovation Community
Within this project an ‘Innovation Community’ has been formed, within which people help each other with the realization of projects. These knowledge development support services will be provided within the project to and by at least 20 local European authorities, including areas that are undergoing rapid economic and social change.
FastTrack works from four thematic clusters, each managed by an ambassador city. In addition to the cluster ‘Urban logistics and clean fuels’ (Stockholm) and the cluster ‘New mobility services and active travel’ (Antwerp), there are the clusters ‘Public Transport’ (Budapest) and ‘Multimodal traffic management’ (Bologna). The Groningen tasks are divided over these clusters and include, for example, the establishment of a zero emission zone, the further development of urban hubs with shared services and logistics facilities and the strengthening of the link between policy ambitions and multimodal monitoring.
Terry Albronda, Smart Mobility policy developer at the Municipality of Groningen explains: “The choice of Groningen as associate partner in the FastTrack project confirms once again that we, as a region, belong to the ‘European Innovation Community’. By exchanging knowledge and expertise within this network, we are given the opportunity to accelerate the implementation of our mobility ambitions.“
The project kick-off took place on 11 March 2021 with all regions involved. The concrete tasks that will be tackled are currently being worked out. The project will run from 2021 to 2023.
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